Tuesday, October 4, 2011



I love Sundays.  They uplift, rejuvenate.  After church, we go to my Mom's for Sunday "dinner," I nap, and often, we end up outside.  I've come to cherish these times.  This week, I took my camera, and the girls and I headed out for a walk.  I recently discovered picnik, and went with the idea of taking photos that would end up as vintage processing worthy.  Told you I am a romantic. We spent some time in the "orchard" and then traipsed down to my grandparents' old barn.  I'm still not sure about the two of the girls.  At first, I loved it.  Now, I think it looks a little.... Twilighty.

I love Daddy's apple trees.  We spent a few Sundays picking them.  It was so surreal to realize that he planted them years ago, and we've done NOTHING to them in the 2 years since his death, and yet, we get lots of apples.  Some things just happen, you don't have to make them happen, and live continues to go on.........
This was part of Daddy's wall..  What he needed to grab and go.  The tools of his trade.  And like most of his things, we've left them right where he did.  He loved this time of year, his "hunting" had diminished to just climbing up a tree, and surveying all the wonders of the world around him.  He started hunting for beauty...

I call this one the grapes of wrath.  I love Daddy's grapes.  This year, so did the animals.  We didn't get ANY.  Not one.  One week, they were underripe.  The next, they were gone.  Fair trade for having apples?  Circle of life? 
Part of what I love about being at Mom's is that the girls pull out my old toys.  AK has decided she likes to throw and catch my baton, if only to be in flag corp one day...  We'll see.  She wants to cheer, too, and I have NO idea how that will all play out...
Ahhh.. the swing.  Since Daddy put it in, we've all spent countless hours going back and forth, shooting the breeze, adding quilts and chairs to the landscape so we can all just be together.  That's what it's all about.

You know, time is fleeting.  This economic stress is enough to make me lose my mind.  I really feel like the world is crashing in on me.  And then, I hear "watch me, Momma" and see the smile as she catches the baton.  Or "Mommy, let's skip school today and just snuggle."  Oh baby girl, how I wish we could.  Why can't every day be Sunday?

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